The Western Cape branch of LITASA is our original branch. We are proud to be a longstanding and avid group of literacy professionals from diverse backgrounds who enjoy sharing our passion with others. You can contact us on wcape@litasa.org.za. We would love to hear from you!

15 FEBRUARY 2024
IN PERSON Attendance: Bertha House, 4:30 pm
Email: maurita@shineliteracy.org.za
VIRTUAL Attendance : Meeting link

24 February 2021
As part of our AGM, we hosted an online session on ‘Creating Literacy Cultures at Home.’ Our keynote speaker was Haroon Mohamed, Chief Director Curriculum Management and Teacher Development at WCED and he spoke about the Western Cape @Home Learning Forum. Xolisa Guzula, Lecturer in Language and Literacy Studies (UCT) and member of the Bua-lit Language and Literacy Collective, spoke about the ‘Supporting Learning at Home’ guide for caregivers that was developed by the C-19 People’s Coalition.Mikhulu Trust also launched their new wordless book called "A growing up day".The online event was a success with around 50 people from various sectors (non-profit organisations, tertiary institutions, schools,, government, etc.) attending and interacting on the topic of creating literacy cultures at home.
8 September 2020
To celebrate International Literacy Day, our branch partnered with Book Dash and Biblionef to donate books to young children across Cape Town.We donated books to children who are attending ECD centres in Red Hill, Montana and Khayelitsha. We also partnered with the National Association of Child Care Workers who are going to distribute books to the young children they work with. For this event, we gave books to some 200 young children.